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About this Dane...

My earliest memory of food is the traditional Danish open sandwiches that Mormor (grandma) used to serve at the pub she worked in. Mum would pick me up from kindy and we would go spend a few hours there. I remember always sitting on the chest freezer with an old-school glass bottle of Faxe Kondi (the Danish equivalent to L&P), admiring how every single component was spread and layered on the rye bread to create the perfect sandwich. My Mormor would explain in detail the importance of getting the perfect balance of the sweet, sour, salty and bitter components, while also making it look enticing.
Growing up, we lived in an apartment above a pizzeria owned and operated by a Turkish Dad and his two sons. My mum would probably say I lived in the pizzeria and slept in the apartment. Everyday after school, I would sit on yet another chest freezer, observing everything that was happening in the busy pizza shop. As soon as I was tall enough to reach the sink, I became the kitchen hand. By age 11, I was behind the counter spinning pizza dough. Despite working in kitchens most of my life, I ended up choosing another career path but I always knew that I should be working with food. Even after the longest working days at the office, the best meditation for me would be to come home and create something in the kitchen.
In 2012, I went backpacking with my best friend Amalie. We travelled all around the world and it was in New Zealand that I found what I didn't even know I was looking for, love.
The Baked Dane initially started as a bit of a hobby during my first maternity leave in 2016. I attended a few local farmers market and after selling out within the first two hours of a fair few markets I got hooked on cooking again and this time there was no stopping it. Within a year I ended up quitting my daytime job and turning our guesthouse into a commercial verified kitchen, also known as the wo-man cave! In this paradise of a space I strive to create those types foods that you just can't leave alone.
To be continued when it's happened...